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Performance Monitoring Tool

In an effort to ensure implementation of transparent, internationally-accepted standards for financial analysis and reporting, the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda (AMFIU) in partnership with key stakeholders in the industry, agreed to the principle of developing a joint reporting format for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). This has become the “Performance Monitoring Tool” (PMT) which now forms the basis for MFIs to report performance to AMFIU. AMFIU stores this information in an industry-wide database and provides subsequent feed-back to MFIs on their performance. The report has been fully integrated into Loan Performer (LPF).

How to configure and work with the PMT in LPF:

To configure the PMT you go to Accounts->Regulatory Reports->PMT-Tool, and a screen will appear looking as follows:

Note that AMFIU communicates the values for these indicators for each reporting period to its partner MFIs as this helps to ensure uniformity and consistency of the reports generated by the partner MFIs. To know more about the PMT indicators and ratios you can refer to the "PMT Tool Indicators and Ratios" folder in the LPF working directory under external file.

Click on the GL Accounts tab to link all the Loan Performer General Ledger Accounts to the respective PMT Codes/Indicators as follows:

Note also that the PMT has its own pre-defined GL codes which must be put in sync with the LPF GL Accounts.

Click on the General Settings tab to define the type/nature of your institution and its affiliations.

A report can then be generated in XML format and submitted to AMFIU at the end of the reporting period for data analysis. The report can also be printed locally in the various available print formats.

AMFIU has therefore used the PMT as a data collection instrument to monitor and report on a number of affiliated microfinance institutions. LPF has been instrumental in helping the PMT in getting fully institutionalized at AMFIU – Uganda’s microfinance Apex institution.

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